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  • NewDateMon Aug 19, 2013 10:28 pm

    Blue waffles
    blue waffles disease

    Blue waffles
    blue waffles disease


  • ear infection symptomsDateWed Jun 12, 2013 12:08 pm

    ear infection symptoms
    When improper attempt removal of cerumen from ear problems arise, and itching and hearing loss increases

    I believe that many of us have experienced at least once an uncomfortable feeling of deafness, fullness and discomfort in the ear, noise, and sometimes dizziness, usually after a bath or attempts to alleviate itching in the ear by using the so-called. cottoned "baby sticks."

    The cause of this phenomenon is the cerumen, or, as they are often called, . Cerumen is tan mass in the ear canal (ear canal) occurs as a result of work ceruminalnih glands and sweat glands, mixed with shed skin cells, dirt particles and a few hairs from the ear canal. Create and spontaneously cleaning cerumen from the ear canal are natural phenomena. However, in some people, there is a complete blockage of ear cerumen, either due to increased production or shortness of spontaneous cleaning (eg narrowed ear canal, age), and often improper conduct in personal hygiene ear. That's when the problems that can be very uncomfortable, and when you first contact us, usually scare the uncomfortable feeling of fullness and hearing loss (pressure) in the ears, dizziness, or forests.

    Proper and professional removal of accumulated cerumen - rinse water temperature of 37 ° C in the practice of ENT specialists and family physicians - usually successfully removes these problems, and the "patient" solved their problems satisfied leaving doctor's office. Problems usually arise when improper attempts cerumen removal from the ear.

    In the first place the wrong procedure is an attempt to self-cotton "baby wand." As these attempts usually fail, and itching and hearing loss increases, the user becomes more aggressive, stick enters deeper into the ear canal which leads to injection cerumen further into the ear canal or pain due to injury leather ear. Skin is in the deeper parts of the ear very thin and therefore vulnerable to this kind of manipulation that can hurt causing pain and ear are susceptible to bacterial and / or mikotičke infection. Not rare injury eardrum wand, especially in children or tear parts sticks and backwardness in the ear (corpora aliens - foreign bodies).

  • Nutrients for pregnancyDateFri Nov 30, 2012 12:56 am

    strep throat symptoms
    Sore throat, feeling of scratching, sore throat, difficulty speaking or swallowing are common this time of year. The usual cause is a virus or bacteria, although throat irritation can also be caused by smoking, dry air or allergic reactions. What can you do if you have a sore throat?

    For fast and effective relief to try the old-fashioned remedy, salt water. Salt acts as a mild antiseptic. Dissolve half a teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water, rinse your throat and spit. Repeat up to four times a day. You can also gargle with baking soda and water.

    Place the container with water to radiators or get a humidifier. Moisture in the air will help the throat is too dry. If you do not have a humidifier, place a bowl of water on the radiator every night.

    Quit smoking. Cigarette smoke is very irritating to the mucous membranes of the throat.

    Breathe through your nose, not your mouth. It is a natural way to humidify the air you breathe.

    If you often have trouble with a sore throat, buy a new toothbrush. Bacteria that accumulates on the brush you can reinfect.

    strep throat symptoms Strengthen the immune system during the cold and flu season with vitamins, herbs and a proper diet. Vitamins C and E, minerals zinc and magnesium, garlic, ginger and shiitake mushrooms are some of the choices you have available.

    Honey has long been used as a remedy for sore[/schwarz][/URL] throat. It has antibacterial properties, which can help speed up healing. It also draws water from the inflamed tissue, thereby reducing the swelling. Add honey in a cup of hot water or herbal teas.

    Hot lemonade with honey can also ease the pain. Combine the juice of half a lemon with warm water.

    Take vitamin C. Whether your sore throat caused by a cold, flu or strep, this vitamin will help strengthen the immune system and enhance the fight against infection.

    Echinacea has antibacterial and antiviral properties that will accelerate healing.

    Garlic is a powerful ally in the fight against infections. Garlic has powerful antibacterial and antiseptic properties.

  • Weight gain in pregnancyDateFri Nov 30, 2012 12:56 am


  • What is a balanced diet and kidney and bladder DateFri Nov 30, 2012 12:56 am

    kidney infection symptoms
    Kidneys (Latin ren, gr: νεφρό, nephr) steam are glandular organ of the urinary tract. They are located retroperitoneal, or. behind the peritoneum. Right kidney lies slightly lower than the left.
    Anatomy of the kidney

    The kidney is the organ of the elongated shape of beans. Normally developed kidney, the surface is smooth, reddish-blue. Kidney is wrapped connective sleeve, a sleeve around a layer of fatty tissue that maintains the warmth and strengthens kidney, together make up the so-called. renal (Gerota) fascia (named after Dimitrie Gerota). The basic building unit of the kidney is the nephron. Nephron begins in the adrenal cortex Malphigijevim corpuscles, which consists of a tangle of blood vessels-glomeruli. Glomeruli are located in the Bowman's capsule. The sleeve has afferens arterioles, and creates glomerul.Iz sleeve comes arterioles efferens.

    Blood arterioles afferens comes to glomeruli, where it is filtered through the plasma through the capillary wall to Bowman's capsule. Blood continues to flow efferens arterioles, which unfolds in the system kapilara.Na Bowman capsule supplements proximal tubule. which continues in Henle's loop and then in the distal tubule, the use kidneys. Distal tubule flow into the collecting ducts. With these tubules are capillaries, and come up with reabsorption of useful substances. The tops of the pyramids, which form the collecting ducts, entering the kidney cup, which flow into the renal pelvis, which continues the urethra.

    Kidneys excrete toxins from the body, regulating the osmotic pressure, ion concentration in the blood, and the volume and acidity of body fluids. If body fluid becomes hypertonic, the pituitary secretes antidiuretic hormone-ADH. ADH is filtered in the capsule of the nephron, and the walls of the nephron become porous-reabsorption of water increases. In the opposite case, if there Hypotonic, ADH cease to secrete, and water is excreted in large quantities.

    Tamm-Horsfall protein (uromodulin) occurs on the lumenal surface of the cells of the ascending loop of Henle in the kidney of mammals.If your doctor suspects an infection in the urinary tract, you can ask for analysis of urine samples in order to determine whether you have mucus, blood or bacteria present in the urine. Laboratory analysis of urine, with which it sometimes does and urine culture, can reveal whether you have kidney infection symptoms

    bladder infection symptoms

    Urinary tract infections (urinary tract infections) are among the most common bacterial infection in children. Their frequency depends on the age and sex of the child. Girls suffer more because the urethra short, straight and wide and bacteria easily penetrate into the bladder. But in the neonatal and infant period affects more boys because of frequent congenital anomalies of the urinary tract. UTI means invading microbes in the tissues of any part of the urinary tract. The most common way of entering bacteria ascending through, from the opening of the urethra to the bladder. Entry of bacteria into the bladder does not mean the disease. If urinate normally and present bactericidal protective effect lining of the bladder and urine, bacteria will excrete urine. If there is a strong tendency to host or pathogen virulence, will develop an infection in the bladder wall (cystitis). From the bladder infection can spread to the kidney.

    Predisposing factors for developing kidney infections are a small bladder infection symptoms, vesicoureteral reflux, other anomalies of the urinary system, urodynamic disorders of the lower urinary tract, stones and other genetic, metabolic and neurological disorders. It is very important, especially for urologists, distinguish two types of inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system - uncomplicated and complicated infections.

    Inflammatory diseases of the urinary system are quite common in urological practice. Represent a heterogeneous group of disorders that vary according to the causes, methods of diagnosis, treatment and prevention. Although urinary tract infection usually caused mikrooganizmima, there are non-infectious nature of the disease whose cause is not yet fully understood (eg, non-bacterial prostatitis, interstitial cystitis, urethral syndrome).

  • Your partner's weight and hemroidsDateThu Nov 29, 2012 11:31 pm


  • HealthDateWed Nov 07, 2012 11:52 am

    crohn s disease
    molecule. This was a novelty because during many years of study of inflammatory bowel disease, the main cause of disease considered pro-inflammatory cytokine IL-12. Specifically, the use of neutralizing antibodies directed to the p40 subunit of interleukin 12 inhibits the development of chronic .
    huntington s disease
    suppress its symptoms. The word "Korea" means "dance" - which is a rough description of the sudden jerks that occur in this disease.Huntington's disease is an inherited disease. Unfortunately, the symptoms do not occur before middle age, and prospective
    addison s disease
    Adrenocortical insufficiency is a condition where the adrenal cortex does not produce adequate amounts of corticosteroids and androgen hormones. Adrenocortical insufficiency or hypofunction of the adrenal cortex may be caused or primary adrenal disease (primary hypoadrenalism) or decreased
    meniere s disease
    Additional diagnostic evaluation is needed to determine the causes of MM. Treatment When it was determined the cause of the disease is cured the underlying disease or disorder and taking drugs that prevent the emergence of hydrops maze.

    thyroid disease
    thyroid diseases. 50 years ago there were still no drugs to treat hyperthyroidism or thyroid hormone substitution therapy for the treatment of hypothyroidism (reduced thyroid function). The first substitution therapy with thyroid hormone
    periodontal disease
    line of the gums) which can only be resolved by cleaning the dental office. Severe infection, called periodontitis, can cause not only a disease of the gums, but also loosening the teeth and loss of bone structures that support the teeth.
    osgood schlatters disease
    between them is very thin cartilaginous plates. Its purpose is to enable the further growth of the bones and lumps mentioned, including fetal growth, or growth of muscles and tendons. If an overload on the part of the system to run, schlatters disease

    - Antacids: calcium carbonate, magnesium hydroxide with aluminum salts
    - H2-receptor inhibitors, ranitidine, cimetidine, famotidine
    - Proton pump blockers-omeprazole
    interstitial cystitis
    • are pregnant or have diabetes,
    • a child
    • Symptoms of infection can not be stopped after three days
    • there was a fever: it could be a sign that the infection is advanced and can affect the kidneys
    • it is a repeated bladder infections
    Instruments are special instruments that are different from ordinary surgical elements gallbladder , because they are adapted to the length and shape of the work through the trocar. The operation is carried out while the patient is under general anesthesia in the appropriate position. The patient is introduced through the navel thin needle (Veress), through which

    Lyme disease symptoms
    Heart problems Few people can have heart problems, such as irregular heart beats and a few weeks after infection. Other symptoms Less common symptoms include inflammation of the eye and severe weakness of the organism. Lyme disease symptoms
    fibromyalgia symptoms
    association. (American College of Rheumatology). Treatment of fibromyalgia Treatment of fibromyalgia, which is classified in the ICD 10 in Chapter M (diseases of the locomotor system) has a focus on relieving symptoms and improving general health. One of the fibromyalgia symptoms

    herpes zoster
    Used transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulator (TENS), injections of lidocaine injections to block nerves, constantly blocking nerves with alcohol, and resection of nerves.
    Symptomatic therapy Burov wraps, herpes zoster Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, Analgesics with codeine.
    lower back pain
    data that would suggest the risk of infections (HIV, intravenous drug use and immune deficiency).Inquire about pain. Problems beginning with herniation with sudden start, while other states have more gradual stop. Ask the duration of pain, previous episodes of pain in the back and find the lower back pain
    streptococcus pneumoniae
    of pneumonia which penicillin does not work at first clinical use forties 20th century represented a true revolution in medicine. Apart from the unexpected, so atypical response to the application of penicillin and other antibiotics necessity of treatment, compared to bacterial (typical) pneumonia, this name streptococcus pneumoniae
    lupus symptoms
    moderate consumption of mushrooms and legumes that contain hydrazines and amines, which in large amounts can also worsen the symptoms. Supplements, which may be useful
    In people with lupus leads to undesirable changes in the metabolism of fatty acids - has been lupus symptoms
    menopause symptoms
    progresses to final menopause. When the production of hormones in the ovaries falls below the level that promote menstruation, it is missing. menopause symptoms Some symptoms of menopause

  • Blue Waffles DiseaseDateThu Oct 11, 2012 1:10 pm

    Blue Waffles Disease

    It is believed that about 2.2 % of U.S. adults carries chlamydia . Among sexually active men the number is much higher . In a 2003 study , testing the young men who have signed up to perform a public service , it was found that 8.2% were infected with chlamydia . Among those aged 20-24 the prevalence was even higher .

    Although frequently in men comes to the appearance of symptoms , chlamydia can cause inflammation of the testes , prostate and bladder . The consequences are serious for women . Untreated infections are the leading cause of inflammatory diseases , and sometimes infertility .

    Thanks to test more and more people are diagnosed and treated with antibiotics . This should help reduce the spread of chlamydia . But many people do not know they are infected. Although the 2005th almost a million cases of chlamydia diagnosed , blue waffles experts estimate that there are actually 2.8 million new infections each year .

    This means that almost two out of three people who are infected do not know that - which leads to the spread of disease . Experts are particularly worried about the men who are aware that they carry chlamydia and sometimes re- infecting their partners . Recently, research has found that one out of eight women who are being treated for chlamydia , reinfect within a year .
    Herpes simplex virus - 2 ( HSV - 2 )
    Blue Waffles Disease
    Good news : Blue Waffles Disease which can cause genital herpes , according to the latest research, the number of patients is declining . Its presence in adults aged 49 years and mlađh dramatically dropped by 19 % in the last 10 years .

    Several types of medications are used to treat herpes simplex viruses . Nationalism Institutes of Health is currently testing the vaccine on a large number of patients .

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